If you would have asked me a few years ago , when Colby was born, what my hopes were for his future... I would have said the "normal parent" answer. That answer would in tell something along the lines of ....
Go to a good college
Find a good job
Find true love
Be a good person
Be a man of GOD
Be happy
Get married
Have a few kids...ect
Those and a few others are my hopes for Colby's future.
I would pray over Colby each night, asking God to watch over him , guide him , protect him, and help raise him to be the best he can be. To follow Gods path for him and let our faith in God be a guide for him.
Now since Mason has arrived, I have another little boy to pray over at night. But my prayers are very different for Mason. My prayers for Mason seem to last a bit longer ( trying to fit in all my gratefulness for him being here and our concerns for this upcoming surgery) I always start off with thanking God that Mason is here & healthy and then pray about what it to come. I still pray the same part about God watching, guiding, and protecting him ...just like I do for Colby.
Last night after the boys were tucked in their beds, I started thinking about what I would want for their future. While doing this, a bit of sadness fell over me. I realized my hopes for Mason wouldn't be the same as Colby's. We have always said that Mason will do everything he wants...just like any other child...just in his own time. But then it hit me, like a ton of bricks. Mason's future wont be like Colbys. No matter how hard we try , there are just some things he wont do.
So in turn, my hopes for Mason's future is this
I want him to be happy.
I want him to talk.
I want him to walk
I want him to be a good person
I want him to be healthy
I want him to be able to live independently.
Then there are things that still sting...know Mason
might not be able to do.
Get married
Have kids
live past his 60s
Yes, it makes me sad to think Mason may not do the same things as Colby. But we realize that Mason is such a blessing to us..no matter what he does in life. We are proud of him. We will support him in all he does...and help him strive to accomplish anything he wants.
We have Mason's first Early Intervention evaluation tomorrow afternoon. Im very anxious about this evaluation. So far we have yet to "chart him" on his development (besides Dr. Nelson his pediatrician, and from her standpoint his is right on track, beside a bit of a neck control.) Now with having him evaluated...the will "chart him" and we will know where they place him developmentally. But were excited to get his therapy started and get him on the best track in life!

"These little hands will
grow up to be
big and strong and
helpful, you see.
These teeny-tiny little toes
will carry this body
that grows and grows.
This precious, sweet and
radiant smile
will help me go the
extra mile.
And deep inside, a
soul and heart
destined to be
special from the start"