Sunday, January 22, 2012

The perfect ones.

Well I know you cant tell by the picture, but we had a pretty big scare with Mason on Friday.

We call his cardiologist first thing Friday morning due to the fact that Mason was showing signs of heart failure again. He had purple puffy hands, moudling, sleeping more ( slept 14 hrs that night), and eating less. These are all warning signs that we were told to watch for. So Cardio said to call his pediatrician also. We call them and we all agree to go to ER as quickly as possible. I called Cory to tell him they want him to go to ER, and I just lost it.... I tried not to cry, but I just couldn't help it. The tears kept flowing down my cheeks. It just didn't seem fair. We have had to go through so much, while other don't have a care in the world. They just continue to live their life in their perfect bubble.

While the tears fell. Cory said, " Meagan, its fine, This is just how we have to do with Mason. We have to be strong. " And he was right. THis is just how it is. We will make extra Dr. visits , hospital trips, therapy sessions, and most likely more surgerys. But its nothing we cant handle. Yes its hard some times, when others seem to live without a care or problem, but if you look close, you can see the cracks in their perfect world. I wouldn't want to put on a "show" to make the world think we are perfect. Our family has its hard times....but God has and will support us during our trials and tribulations. So in the end, I feel sorry for the "perfect ones".


  1. I'm praying for your little man. He is so adorable. I'm sorry you all have to go through this.

  2. My little chubby man is 9.5 months and isn't standing yet. Mason is just to cute for words and has been in my prayger since I first started reading your blog when you were pregnant with him.

  3. Praying for him! He's so adorable...I didn't know he was standing!

  4. Awww I hope he is ok! Please update us soon!!

  5. My son, might be a "perfect one" and I know we will never go through anything near what your family has to go through, but I just wanted to let you know that reading your blog makes me appreciate what we have, and I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way. It may not be any consolation to you but please know Mason's journey has affected people in a positive way. And as always, he is in my prayers.


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