Have a great weekend..... full of smiles.
Dont forget to DONATE for Mason's walk
Jonah with big bro Ben last night
Well the surgery is complete, now its time for God to start healing little Jonah's body. As you can see from the pictures he looks pretty beat up. He started to wake up a little bit after we went back to see him and was coughing, but you couldn't tell he was coughing because of the tube in his mouth. He started to turn bright red so they ended up sedating him so he could move around; he was squirming around pretty good, just like good 'ole Jonah squirms :) He's got tubes or leads coming out of his chest, his leg, his ankle and his neck with about 10-15 different monitors around him. It is a bit intimidating to see all of this around your little baby, but it is nice to see him post-op.
We are so amazed at how God as put Jonah's story into the hands of so many Christians who are lifting his name up. Thank you Church and thank you Jesus; we truly are in awe of how this day has transpired. Please continue to be in prayer for Jonah, the next step is to get the breathing tube out of his mouth; possibly tonight but probably tomorrow and then to slowly wean him off the machines and to begin taking control of his body again. In Christ we stand! ~ D
Today, July 8th Jonah finally met the man who will fix his broken heart face to face; Dr. Peeler. We first met Dr. Peeler in February after Jonah was diagnosed with a heart defect. We thank God the He has placed Dr. Peeler in our path. Hallelujah! We didn't learn anything new today, but with the surgery only five days away it had a little bit more weight to it than it did back in February. So with that said I want to list some possible complications that could arise and ask you to stand with us in prayer and faith that God is going to bring Jonah through this surgery without any of these complications or issues arising:
Jonah's surgery time and date is set: Wednesday July 13th at 7:30 a.m. Jonah's surgery was moved to the first slot as they try to do the youngest one first due to him having to fast from the night before. The surgery will take about 3-4 hours and he will be on by-pass for about an 1 1/2 to 2 hours and the normal hospital stay is 5-7 days after this surgery.
We are fully trusting in the Lord. Jesus Christ is the foundation of our lives. Everything is for Him and about Him and His glory. Jonah was given to us as a gift from God, created in the womb by God Himself (Psalm 139:13). Yesterday I was thinking about what was going through Abraham's head when God asked him to offer his son Isaac as a burnt offering. (Genesis 22) The scripture doesn't tell us his 'thoughts' but his immediate actions were: him rising early in the morning, saddling his donkey and then splitting some wood for the offering. On the third day he sees the place God sent him too offer his son and Abraham and Isaac go up the mountain. Now Isaac's wondering what's going on, and asks his father where the lamb for the burnt offering is? Abraham tells him, "God will provide for Himself the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." They arrive at the location and Abraham builds the altar, arranges the wood then bounds his son Isaac and lays him on the altar. Isaac has got to be wondering what's going on now? Just as Abraham begins to slay his son with a knife an angel of the Lord appears and tells him not to do it. He has proven (by his actions) that the fear of the Lord (Which is the beginning of wisdom - Proverbs 1:7) is within him as he did not withhold his only son from God.
I am not comparing by any stretch this story to Jonah, but I was thinking how much faith Abraham had in his willingness to do what God asked him in the offering of his son. Isaac was the promised son that was born when Abraham was 100 years old. After waiting all these years for this promised son God now is asking him to sacrifice him...and Abraham was going to do it! In my finite mind I'm trying to wrap my mind around my son Jonah having his chest opened up and his heart repaired. I know that first moment I lay eyes on him after surgery with tubes protruding from his body and all the wires and contraptions everywhere around him I'm going to bawl like a baby. My heart aches knowing what he is going to have to go through. I would trade places with him in a second if I could! Just as Isaac was restored to Abraham we are trusting that God will restore our son Jonah to us.
When God brings Jonah to your mind in the coming days and next week please lift him up in prayer to the God of creation!
In Christ! ~ D