Today, as you may know is World Down Syndrome Awareness Day.
Today is a day that we celebrate, embrace, and acknowledge those who were born with Trisomy 21.
Years ago , I had never even really heard of WDSD, let alone ever think I would be a parent celebrating my child with Down Syndrome.
But I am.
And I am happy to celebrate him, honestly I think he deserves it.
He deserves to be recognized as someone who is just like everyone else. Someone who should have the same amount of love, compassion, and patience showed towards him as any other child would have.
I am a blessed to be his mother.
I am not special, super human, or a saint....
I'm just a mom , who grew the child that we made.
Nothing magical, nothing amazing.
Just a mom who loves her son.
Not impressed, Mom...
My little ham
Sweet face
Mason and Mommy
Playing peek a boo
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